The latest series of peace talks to resolve the conflict in South Sudan concludes in Rome, under the auspices of the Sant’Egidio Community
By Vatican News
Eight years ago, South Sudan became the world’s newest country. Hopes ran high for the young nation after declaring its independence from Khartoum, which had ruled it for decades.
Those hopes were short-lived. Since 2013, a devastating civil war has claimed nearly 400,000 lives, driven some 4 million people from their homes, and caused over 2 million to flee to neighboring countries in search of food and safety.
Peace talks
There have been various attempts to revitalize peace in the region. After the signing of a peace agreement in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in September 2018, dialogue between conflicting parties experienced a decisive moment during the spiritual retreat, organized by Pope Francis at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican last April. That meeting brought together leaders of South Sudan’s government and members of the opposition.