The Congregation for Divine Worship adds an intention to the Solemn Intercessions during the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and proposes a votive Mass taking into consideration the crisis in which the world is living
By Vatican News
The Congregation for Divine Worship has issued a votive Mass for this time of pandemic, and a new intention for the Solemn Intercessions during the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. The new liturgical texts are available on the Congregation’s website, along with the Decrees promulgating them. The documents had already been provided to the world’s bishops.
Good Friday intention
The intention for Good Friday includes a prayer “for those who suffer because of this pandemic”, that is, those who “suffer the consequences of the current pandemic” The prayer asks that God in His compassion might protect those who are suffering, relieve the pain of those who are sick, give strength to those who are taking care of them, and welcome the deceased into eternal peace.
Votive Mass
The Dicastery has also proposed a votive Mass “specifically to implore God to end this pandemic”. The Opening Prayer, or Collect, reads
“Almighty and eternal God, our refuge in every danger, to whom we turn in our distress; in faith we pray look with compassion on the afflicted, grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick, peace to the dying, strength to healthcare workers, wisdom to our leaders and the courage to reach out to all in love, so that together we may give glory to your holy name.”