Pope Francis launches an appeal to help those suffering the aftermath of a landslide in a jade mining area in Myanmar’s northern Kachin State, and asks the faithful to pray for the conversion of arms manufacturers who contribute to the countless killings perpetrated in conflicts worldwide.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov
Pope Francis has called on the international community to offer aid to those suffering the effects of a catastrophic landslide in a jade mining area in northern Myanmar’s Kachin State that took place overnight early Monday.
During his closing remarks to Italian-speaking pilgrims at his Wednesday General Audience in the Vatican, the Holy Father recalled the landslide that struck several homes in the mining area, “causing casualties, missing persons, and significant damage.”
According to the Associated Press, at least a dozen people were killed, many others are missing, and at least 50 houses were buried or damaged.
Appeal to International Community
The Pope said he is close to the population affected by this tragedy and is praying for those who lost their lives and for their families.
“May these brothers and sisters, who are enduring such trials,” he appealed, “not lack the support and solidarity of the international community.”
As usual, the Holy Father urged everyone to pray for all those suffering from ongoing wars and conflicts.
Converting hearts of manufacturers of arms
“Let us not forget,” he insisted, “martyred Ukraine, Myanmar, Palestine, Israel, and so many countries at war.”
Urging all faithful to pray for peace, he recalled that war is always a defeat.
Given this, Pope Francis implored, “let us pray for the conversion of the hearts of arms manufacturers because with their products, they help to kill.”