In his remarks after the recitation of the Regina Caeli, the Pope reflected on the contribution women are giving today during the coronavirus pandemic.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp
After reciting the Regina Caeli in the library of the Apostolic Palace on the Monday after Easter, Pope Francis continued reflecting on how women are contributing during the coronavirus crisis.
After hearing about the women who “proclaimed Jesus’s Resurrection to the disciples”, “I wouldlike to call to mind the efforts” of so many women, “during this health crisis”, Pope Francis said.
He specifically mentioned woman who are “doctors, nurses, members of security forces, and prison guards, employees in stores providing basic necessities…, and many mothers and sisters who are confined to their homes with their entire family, with children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities”.
Then he acknowledged that some are at risk of violence “due to a living situation in which they bear a burden that is way too heavy”.
His prayer for them was that “the Lord might grant them strength, and that our communities might support them together with their families”.
The Pope then turned his attention once again to the current Covid-19 crisis. “During Easter Week”, he said, he wishes to renew his affection and nearness to all those countries suffering the worst of the crisis. He named Italy, the United States, France and Spain. “The list is long”, he said. “I pray for all of them. And don’t forget”, he continued, “that the Pope is praying for you. He is near you”.
Before bidding a final farewell, the Pope renewed his Easter greetings and invited everyone to “remain united in prayer and in the commitment to help each other as brothers and sisters”.
He then went to the study window where he generally delivers the noon Angelus and Regina Caeli addresses. After looking about the empty square, he blessed the city of Rome.