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Vatican publishes Pope Francis’ schedule for Trieste

The Holy See Press Office has released Pope Francis’ schedule for his one-day pastoral visit to the northern Italian city of Trieste for the 50th Italian Catholic Social Week.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

After having made pastoral visits to Venice and Verona recently, and with an imminent stopover in Bari next week to address the G7, Pope Francis will make his next pastoral trip on 7 July, visiting the northeastern Italian city of Trieste.

The itinerary of the Holy Father’s day-trip to the city, which lies close to Slovenia, was published on Thursday by the Holy See Press Office.

The Pope is visiting for the occasion of the 50th Social Week of Italian Catholics.

According the the programme, Pope Francis will depart from the Vatican heliport at 6:30 a.m., and will land in Trieste at 8 a.m., before meeting with congress participants at 8:30 in the Generali Convention Center, where he will deliver an address.

At the end of the address, while the congress participants transfer to Piazza Unità d’Italia, the Holy Father will meet separately with several groups, including with ecumenical representatives, academics, migrants, and the disabled.

At 10 am, the Pope will leave the Generali Convention Center in an open car, before traveling toward Piazza Unità d’Italia for a Eucharistic Concelebration.

At 12: 30, Pope Francis will bid farewell to Trieste, and is expected to land in the Vatican heliport around 2 p.m.

The programme of the Pope’s pastoral visit is below.



ore 6:30Departure from the Vatican heliport
ore 8:00Arrival at the “Generali Convention Center” of TriesteThe Holy Father will be welcomed by:- Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference Episcopale Italiana
– Archbishop Luigi Renna of Catania, chair of the Social Weeks Organizing Commitee
– Bishop Enrico Trevisi of Trieste
– The Honorable Massimiliano Fedriga, presidente of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
– His Excellency Mr. Pietro Signoriello, prefect of Trieste
– Mr. Roberto Dipiazza, mayor of Trieste
– Dr. Philippe Donnet, managing director of “Generali”
ore 8:30GENERALI CONVENTION CENTER: Meeting with congress participants- Greeting from Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi
– Introduction from Bishop Luigi Renna* Address of the Holy Father
ore 9:15At the end of the address, while the congress participants transfer to Piazza Unità d’Italia, the Holy Father will meet with several separate groups:- Ecumenical representatives
– Academic sphere
– Migrants and the disabled 
ore 10:00The Holy Father will leave the Generali Convention Center in an open car
ore 10:30PIAZZA UNITÀ D’ITALIA: Eucharistic Concelebration* Homily of the Holy Father* AngelusBefore the concluding Blessing:- Words of thanks from Bishop Enrico Trevisi
ore 12:30Departure from the Molo Audace of Trieste
ore 14:00Arrival at the Vatican heliport

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