Study seminar has Bishops from four continents
A study seminar for new Bishops is organised every two years by the Holy See’s Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
According to Agenzia Fides, 74 Bishops from 34 countries of the world’s four continents are participating in the formation seminar. There are Bishops from 17 African countries; 8 from Asia, 6 from Oceania and 3 from Latin America. The Bishops are meeting at Rome’s Pontifical College of Saint Paul the Apostle.
It is an opportunity for reflection
The seminar, which started on 3 September ends on 15 September. The intention is to “offer all the Bishops appointed recently in mission territories, a period of time, at the beginning of their appointment, to reflect and deepen their life and episcopal ministry, dialogue and pray. This is why the speakers are authoritative ecclesiastical personalities (drawn mostly from the Roman Curia).”
The seminar is placing great emphasis on Bishops sharing their experiences.
According to a timetable released, the Bishops will concelebrate Mass with Pope Francis, and he, will receive them in an audience, on 8 September –feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary