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HomeNewsVaticanPope: 'May 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris promote esteem and harmony'

Pope: ‘May 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris promote esteem and harmony’

Pope Francis sends warms greetings and prayers for the Mass of Peace ahead of the imminent 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, France, wishing that the prestigious international sporting event work toward peace and friendship in a world much in need.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

“I ask the Lord to bestow His gifts upon all those who will participate in any way – whether athletes or spectators – and also to support and bless those who will host them, especially the faithful of Paris and elsewhere.”

With this reassurance, Pope Francis sent his prayerful greetings ahead of the imminent Summer Olympic Games to be hosted in Paris, France, 26 July to 11 Aug. 2024, to the Mass for Peace celebrated this morning, 19 July, at 10 a.m., in the Madeleine Church in Paris.

Olympic Mass of Peace 

The Eucharistic celebration was specifically celebrated on the day of the start of the Olympic Truce for the Paris Games, and was proposed by the French Bishops’ Conference, the Archdiocese of Paris, and the Holy Games team. The Olympic truce, voted by the United Nations, begins one week before the opening ceremony of the Games on 26 July and ends one week after the end of the Paralympics on 8 September.

The Mass was presided over by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Apostolic Nuncio in France; Msgr. Laurent Ulrich, Archbishop of Paris, and Msgr. Emmanuel Gobilliard, Bishop of Digne, delegate of the French Bishops’ Conference for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, concelebrated.

Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, diplomats, and sports personalities were present.

Opening hearts like Christ

In a message sent in French to Archbishop Ulrich of Paris, and published by the Holy See Press Office on Friday morning, Pope Francis united himself with the intentions of the Mass, as he asked the Lord to bless all involved and participating at all levels, and recognized the Christian communities preparing to “open wide” the doors of their churches, schools, and homes for the event.

“May they especially open,” he encouraged, “the doors of their hearts, bearing witness, through the gratuitousness and generosity of their welcome to all, to the Christ who dwells within them and communicates His joy to them,” as he likewise thanked them for not forgetting about the most vulnerable people.

“More broadly,” the Pope expressed, “I hope that the organization of these Games will be a wonderful opportunity for the entire people of France to achieve fraternal harmony, allowing, beyond differences and oppositions, the strengthening of the nation’s unity.”

“I hope that the organization of these Games will be a wonderful opportunity for the entire people of France to achieve fraternal harmony, allowing, beyond differences and oppositions, the strengthening of the nation’s unity.”

The universal language of sport

The Holy Father said he rejoiced with them as they host the prestigious international sporting competition, especially since sport, the Pope commended, “is a universal language that transcends borders, languages, races, nationalities, and religions.”

Moreover, he marveled, “it has the capacity to unite people, to promote dialogue and mutual acceptance; it stimulates self-overcoming, fosters a spirit of sacrifice, and encourages loyalty in interpersonal relationships; it invites the recognition of one’s own limits and the value of others.”

“The Olympic Games, if they remain truly ‘games,’” he suggested, “can be an exceptional meeting place for peoples, even the most hostile.”

Fostering esteem and friendship

While noting that the five interlaced rings “represent this spirit of fraternity that should characterize the Olympic event and sporting competition in general,” he invited the Paris Olympics “to be an occasion for all who come from all countries of the world to discover and appreciate each other, to dismantle prejudices, to foster esteem where there is contempt and mistrust, and friendship where there is hatred.”

“I therefore wish that the Paris Olympics will be an occasion for all who come from all countries of the world to discover and appreciate each other, to dismantle prejudices, to foster esteem where there is contempt and mistrust, and friendship where there is hatred”

Games which promote peace and not war

The Games, the Pope suggested, promote peace and not war, acknowledging that it is in this spirit, “that antiquity wisely established a truce during the Games,” a tradition that the modern era continues to revive.

“In this troubled period where world peace is gravely threatened,” Pope Francis appealed, “I earnestly wish that everyone will have at heart to respect this truce in the hope of resolving conflicts and returning to concord. May God have mercy on us!”

“In this troubled period where world peace is gravely threatened, I earnestly wish that everyone will have at heart to respect this truce in the hope of resolving conflicts and returning to concord.”

Enlightening rulers’ consciences

“May God enlighten the consciences of rulers about the grave responsibilities incumbent upon them,” the Pope prayed, imploring Him to “grant success to the peacemakers in their endeavors,” and bless them.

“Entrusting to Saint Genevieve and Saint Denis, Patrons of Paris, and to Our Lady of the Assumption, Patroness of France, the successful conduct of these Games, ” the Holy Father concluded, “I wholeheartedly grant you, Excellency, as well as all those who will participate, my Blessing.”

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