The Bishop of Bolivia implement a project to move parish records onto a digital platform for ease of access, starting in the Apostolic Vicariate of Pando.
By Jessica Jeyamaridas
“The adoption of specialized software in our parishes is a crucial step toward a more efficient and connected Church for the faithful in the digital age, allowing us to modernize our administrative processes and giving us the opportunity to offer better service to our communities in the country,” according to Bishop Coter, Apostolic Administrator of Reyes.
In this way, parishioners will be able to obtain any certificates from their parishes, saving time and money.
The update was released by the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference, which, in collaboration with Ecclesiared, a management software, decided to launch this digitization plan to help dioceses and parishes use digital technologies as tools for their pastoral works and initiatives.
A digital transition that will be beneficial to the parishioners
This enterprise will not only help the Church adapt to the digital times, but also protect and preserve the rich heritage of the Church in Bolivia by making digital copies of parish archives.
The digitization process will begin in the Vicariate of Pando and the Vicariate of Reyes, gradually extending to the dioceses of San Ignacio de Velasco and the rest of the entire Church in Bolivia.

File photo of Bishop Eugenio Coter